

目前顯示的是 4月, 2024的文章

# Chat GPT: POEM

The season (Poem1) My voice           Amber Spring's a time of bloom and birth, Nature's waking from the earth. Flowers bloom, skies are blue, Life begins anew. Summer's sun, warm and bright, Days are long, filled with light. Picnics, beaches, fun galore, Summer's pleasures we adore. Autumn comes with colors bold, Leaves of red and orange unfold. Crisp air, apples ripe to taste, Nature's beauty, none to waste. Winter brings a frosty chill, Snowflakes falling, calm and still. Cozy fires, warm embraces, Winter's charm in many places. The Season (Poem2) My voice           Amber Spring ' s a hope for all things. Nature transforms from the earth. Flowers bloom, clouds are flow , Life begins anew. Summer ’ s sun, warm and bright, Days are long, filled with light. Beach, waves, tons of fun, The excitement of summer we love. Autumn is here, colors are bold , Leaves of red and orange unfold. Air is fresh, apples are red

# Chat GPT : The Restaurant

CONVERSATION 🔊 Me: Please act as a waiter in a Western restaurant🍴 and l went to the restaurant with my friend. Let’s get start❗ Chat GPT: Welcome to our Western restaurant🍴! Do you have a reservation or would you like to be seated now? Me: There is a reservation for two people Chat GPT: Great! May I have the name under the reservation, please❔ Me: Ms. Lin✨ Chat GPT: Thank you, Ms. Lin. Right this way, please. Here are your menus. Would you  like any recommendations or specials for today❔ Me: What dishes do you recommend today❓ Chat GPT: Today's specials include our grilled salmon with lemon🍋 herb butter🧈 sauce, as well as our tenderloin steak served with a mushroom🍄 demi-glace. Both dishes are popular choices among our guests. Me: Ok! I would like the tenderloin steak and I want it medium rare. Chat GPT: Excellent choice! And how would you like your sides prepared❔ We offer options like mashed potatoes🥔, roasted vegetables, or a side salad🥗 Me: Mashed potatoes🥔. Chat GPT:

# Chat GPT

Chat GPT   My Prompt : How can I make TOEIC reach 600? Results : To achieve a TOEIC score of 600, you'll need to focus on improving your skills in both the reading and listening sections of the test. Here's a structured plan to help you reach your goal: 1. **Assess Your Current Level**: Take a practice TOEIC test to gauge your current proficiency level and identify your strengths and weaknesses in reading and listening comprehension. 2. **Set Specific Goals**: Break down your goal of reaching 600 into smaller, achievable milestones. For example, aim to improve your score by a certain number of points each month. 3. **Develop a Study Schedule**: Dedicate regular time each day or week to study for the TOEIC. Create a study schedule that includes focused practice on reading and listening exercises, vocabulary building, and grammar review. 4. **Focus on Vocabulary**: Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases relevant to the TOEIC. Use flashcards, vocabulary apps, and